Is your credit not where you want it to be? Are you stuck with a car loan and a horrible interest rate that you’re not sure how to get rid of? Do you want to buy a pre-owned vehicle while simultaneously improving your credit? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to sit down with one of our financing specialists at City Mazda.
At City Mazda, we understand that credit problems aren’t always your fault. We also know that you may very well afford a pre-owned vehicle despite a less-than-perfect credit score. That’s why we’ll take the time to understand your situation, then present a wide range of second chance credit financing solutions tailored to you. In doing so, not only can you purchase the pre-owned vehicle you need, you’re also sure to get a financing plan that fits your budget and will improve your credit over time.
We can also help you refinance your car loan and lower your interest rate. At City Mazda, there’s no fine print and no surprises. Discover all of our tailor-made second chance credit financing solutions today!